in the last twentyfive years
i am afraid
i have neither learned

the facts are few
i am a teacher
i have been also
writer soldier
editor taxidriver
lifeguard landlord
broker and pee are man

father husband
son lover

i have lost weight
and kept my hair and my head
and my ten thousand books

i cry more than twentyfive years ago
i am just beginning to find my energy

harvard and i served each other poorly
but that was a long time ago
and i seldom think of it anymore
some of those who did not like me there
did not turn out so well either
but i will probably be in cambridge
in june
as shy as the first time
i came out of the harvard square subway
wondering who i would become there

i am happier now than then
but from time to time
suffer just as much
on balance life has gotten better

i do not know any of you now gentlemen
a few of you i still remember
on very cold country nights
when snow and music make me too quiet

i must add
this does not often happen
i am usually too busy
with my wildness thank you

still gentlemen
we were once all young together
werent we
and so i greet you
and hope that some of you
have been able to save your honor

it wasnt easy was it


by Arthur Oesterreicher

Questions or comments are welcome. Email the editor.

Copyright ©2000 by Big Step Down